Sunday, August 30, 2009


There are "cigarettes" out there designed to "look" and otherwise impersonate a real cigarette. They are called electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and are battery powered. How ideal. They do not produce smoke and their manufacturer claims that they have no known carcinogens while offering the person who wants to quit smoking an alternative. The smokes are less expensive. A vapor is produced which "sort of" looks like smoke and the e-cigarette manufacturer contends that it offers a "true" smoking experience. But, alas, when the smoker inhales, they still get a dose of nicotine (and some other chemicals) into their lungs. This is a cigarette that will help a smoker quit. Really now?

Trying to find scientific research about these reportedly "safe" alternative smoking devices is difficult as usually these so-called "renegade" products have no scientific data to support their value. Hence, nothing reputable can be found on the internet to support the value of e-cigs. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated that these devices may indeed create more smokers, and that they are not a legitimate therapy for smokers trying to quit. Dr. Jack Henningfield, an expert on addiction, says that some manufacturers blatantly go after young people when advertising e-cigarettes with flavors like chocolate and candy. Ouch! How bad is that? Sounds like Big Tobacco to me.

Nearly all of these devices are manufactured in China and are not regulated by the FDA because they are not listed as "drugs." The patch and nicotine gum are regulated by the FDA as they are considered a drug. The FDA does not have a perfect track record when it comes to evaluating products. However, at least they do evaluate drugs, etc., so we have some protection from being harmed.

The FDA has issued a ban on these devices as they "constitute an unapproved drug-delivery system" (which is being challenged in court). Oh, what these companies will do to get us addicted to their products is unbelievable.

I would not recommend this product to anyone trying to quit smoking. First, the product contains "other chemicals", and second, it contains nicotine which is the addictive component of anything legal that you smoke. My third reason is that they are made in China. Over the last couple of years, China has produced baby and children's products containing lead and dog and cat food containing lead and a plastic-type substance used to make melamine dinnerware. The plastic-containing pet foods were recalled but not before they killed several pets. As for the lead in children's toys and other children's products, these were also recalled. However, I recommend that toys made in China be seriously scrutinized before being sold to the general public. Is China trying to poison us or what? We should be wary of anything coming from China if it's edible or if there's a chance that a child will put it into their mouth.

In conclusion, the jury is still out on the e-cigarette. This product should not be allowed on the market until it has been deemed safe. I always recommend cold turkey, but not everyone is able to accomplish this. So, the patch or gum is good, but only for a short period of time. There are now laser treatments and the old standby, hypnosis. Smoking withdrawal clinics are a very good choice as well. Join others who are quitting. You don't feel like you're the only one in the world going through withdrawl. Always remember that nicotine is nicotine in whatever form it appears, and you can just as easily become addicted to a patch or a stick of gum.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do You Like Money?

It's been a while since I last wrote. It's been a long summer. Now, it's time to get back to work. Here is a link that will help you figure out how much smoking costs you. Back when I quit, I added up how much I had spent throughout my years of smoking. I could have paid cash for a house. Now, with the cost of cigarettes very high, I can't imagine what I would have burned up. So, I ask you to figure it out for yourself. Sometimes just seeing the cost of something that is absolutely not necessary to sustain life will encourage a person to finally kick the habit. This would be my hope.

In the meantime, check out Commit To Quit on Facebook. Make a commitment to quit. Put your name on the wall. Become a fan, and encourage others to give it a try. I know, there are always those who "say" they don't want to quit smoking. I've lost relatives who "claimed" they did not want to quit. They died as a result of their smoking. My mother is 92 and does not smoke. Her sister died at age 79. She was a heavy smoker. She had emphysema and other health issues related to smoking. My mother misses her sister very much, but her sister chose to continue smoking.

My next post will talk about the new fake cigarettes? Are they safe? Should you use them? Are they just another habit? Find out.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It appears that the drugs that help people stop smoking are just as dangerous as smoking. I received the info below in my mail box today. I've posted it so you can read what these drugs can do.

Public Health Advisory: FDA Requires New Boxed Warnings for the Smoking Cessation Drugs Chantix and Zyban

7/1/2009The FDA is notifying the public that the use of Chantix (varenicline) or Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride), two prescription medicines that are used as part of smoking cessation programs, has been associated with reports of changes in behavior such as hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions. The FDA is requiring the manufacturers of these products, including generic versions of Zyban (bupropion), to add a new Boxed Warning to the product labeling to alert healthcare professionals to this important new safety information.
People who are taking Chantix or Zyban and experience any serious and unusual changes in mood or behavior or who feel like hurting themselves or someone else should stop taking the medicine and call their healthcare professional right away.
Friends or family members who notice these changes in behavior in someone who is taking Chantix or Zyban for smoking cessation should tell the person their concerns and recommend that he or she stop taking the drug and call a healthcare professional right away.
Although Chantix and Zyban are effective aids in helping people stop smoking, they have been associated with serious adverse effects. Some people who have taken Chantix or Zyban to help them quit smoking have reported experiencing unusual behavior changes, have become depressed or have had their depression worsen, or have had thoughts about suicide or dying; some have attempted suicide either while using one of these drugs or after they stopped taking them.
Since Chantix and Zyban do not contain nicotine, people who decide to use these drugs to help them stop smoking may still experience symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. It is common for people who are attempting to break their nicotine habit to experience unpleasant symptoms like depressed mood, irritability, restlessness, feeling anxious and trouble sleeping.
Smoking is known to cause serious and potentially fatal health consequences, including lung cancer and other cancers, heart attacks, stroke, emphysema, and other breathing/lung diseases. The risks that are known to be associated with smoking must be balanced against the small, but real risk of serious adverse effects associated with medicines that can help patients quit smoking when making the decision on whether to use a medicine and/or other method to help stop smoking.

In addition to the new Boxed Warning, FDA is also requiring the manufacturers of Chantix, Zyban, and generic versions of Zyban to describe these risks in the Medication Guides for these products. The Medication Guides are required to be provided to all patients prescribed Chantix, Zyban or generic versions of Zyban for smoking cessation.

The FDA urges health care professionals and patients to report adverse reactions that may be related to the use of Chantix or Zyban to the FDA through the MedWatch program using the information at the bottom of the page.

Hopefully, most smokers will just kick the habit. My best wishes for your success.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Second-Hand Smoke Update

A recent study reported in The British Medical Journal (Feb. 13, 2009) has linked second-hand smoke exposure to dementia and other forms of mental decline. That's what we do to our family members, friends and other relatives when we smoke in their presence. Saliva samples from more than 5,000 non-smoking adults older than 50 years of age were analyzed for levels of a chemical called cotinine, a nicotine byproduct.

The participants in the study were then put through a range of tests to check their brain function. The tests included word recognition immediately and after a delay, numerical calculations, time orientation and verbal fluency.

The participants in the study who were exposed to the greatest levels of second-hand smoke had a 44% INCREASED risk of cognitive impairment compared to those not exposed. So, it would appear that not only do we hurt ourselves when we smoke, we hurt those around us.

I used to try to "talk" myself out of quitting. I reasoned that certain older people were still alive and didn't have cancer, etc., so I gambled that I too would be safe from the effects of smoking. When I realized I could be the potential cause of a loved one developing cancer or some other smoking related illness, the motivation to quit became even stronger. Even our pets are not safe from this nasty habit.

Monday, May 11, 2009

SMOKING: What's In It For Me??????

ANSWER: Arsenic, acetic acid, acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cadmium, carbon monoxide, carbon tetrachloride, ethanol, formaldehyde, hydrazine, hexamine, hydrogen cyanide, lead, methane, methanol, naphthalene, various pigments, nickels, phenol, polonium, stearic acid, styrene, tar, toluene.

For those of you fond of very long lists, here's a partial list of the other ingredients. Please note that each brand of cigarette has their own "recipe", so not every ingredient listed below will be in every brand of cigarette. But, keep in mind, you don't know which of these ingredients are in the cigarette you choose to smoke. And all cigarettes have most of these ingredients in them.

Acacia gum, Acetyl, Ace anisole, Acetic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Acetoin, Acetone, Acetophenone, 6 Acetoxydihydrotheaspirane, Acetyl methyl cellulose, 2 Acetyl pyridine, 2 Acetyl pyridine, 3 Acetyl pyridine, Alga resinoid, oleoresin and oil, Allura Red, Allyl hexanoate, Aluminum acetate, Aluminum carbonate, Aluminium citrate, Aluminium lactate, Aluminium oxide, Aluminium phosphate, Aluminium tartrate, Aluminium trihydroxide, Aluminosilicates, Amber oil, Ambergris extract, Ambrette seed oil and absolute, Ambrox, Ammonium acetate, Ammonium carbonate, Ammonium chloride, Ammonium citrate, Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, Ammonium hydroxide, Ammonium lactate, Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium tartrate, +Amyl acetate, Amyl alcohol, +Amyl benzoate, +Amyl butyrate, alpha Amyl cinnamaldehyde, +Amyl formate, +Amyl hexanoate, +Amyl isovalerate, +Amyl octanoate, +Amyl phenylacetate, +Amyl salicylate, +Amyl valerate, trans Anethole, Angelica root extract and oil, Anise and oil, Anisole, para Anisyl acetate, para Anisyl alcohol, Arachis oil, Ascorbic acid, Azorubin, Balsam oil, Bay leaf, oil and sweet oil, Beech tar extract, Bentonite, Benzaldehyde, Benzoic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Benzoin, Benzoin resinoid, Benzyl acetate, Benzyl alcohol, Benzyl benzoate, Benzyl butyrate, Benzyl cinnamate, Benzyl formate, Benzyl isobutyrate, Benzyl phenylacetate, Benzyl propionate, Bergamot oil, Boric acid and/or its potassium or sodium salts, Bornyl acetate, , Brilliant Black BN, Brilliant Blue FCF, Butyl acetate, Butyl butyrate, 1,3, Butylene glycol, Butyl phenyl acetate, para tert Butyl pyridine, Butyric acid, Cadinene single or mixed isomers, Cajeput oil, Calcium acetate, Calcium chloride, Calcium citrate, Calcium hydroxide, Calcium lactate, Calcium phosphate1 (mono, di or tri ), Calcium tartrate, Camphene, d Camphor, Camphor oil2 (safrole free), Caramel1 obtained by heating a sugar solution with or without a small amount of acid, alkali or alkali carbonate, Carbon dioxide, Carboxy methyl cellulose and sodium salt, Cardamon oleoresin, extract, oil, seed oil and powder, Carvacrol, 4 Carvomenthenol, Carvone, beta Caryophyllene, Caryophyllene alcohol, Caryophyllene oxide, Cascarilla oil, bark oil and extract, Cassia buds, bark oil and extract, Cassia extract, Castor oil, Castoreum extract and absolute, Cedar leaf oil, Cedarwood oil, Cedrol ,Citric acid and its tripotassium and tri sodium salts, Cedryl acetate, and oleoresin, Cellulose acetate propionate, Cellulose alpha alkanoylalkanoates, Cellulose fibre, Chlorophyll, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamic acid, bark oil and extract, Cinnamyl acetate, Cinnamyl alcohol, Cinnamyl butyrate, Cinnamyl cinnamate, Cinnamyl isobutyrate, Cinnamyl isovalerate, Citral, , Citronella oil, Citronellal, dl Citronellol, Citronellyl acetate, Citronellyl butyrate, Citronellyl formate, Citronellyl isobutyrate, Citronellyl phenylacetate, Citronellyl propionate, Civet absolute, Clary sage oil and absolute, leaf oil, bud oil and extract, cocoa distillate and butter, Coffee extract, concentrate and powder, Cognac oil, white and green, Coriander extract and oil, Cubeb oil, Cumin, cumin seed oil and absolute, Cuminaldehyde, Cyclamen aldehyde, para Cymene, Cypress oil, beta Damascenone, beta Damascone, Davana oil, delta Decalactone, gamma Decalactone, Decanal, Decanoic acid, Dextrin, Diacetyl, Diammonium hydrogen phosphate, Diatomaceous earth, Dibenzyl ether, alpha 2,3 Diethylpyrazine, 2,3 Diethyl 5-methyl pyrazine, Diethyl sebacate, Dihydroactinidiolide, Dihydrocarvyl acetate, 3,4 Dihydrocoumarin, Dill seed oil and extract, para Dimethoxybenzene, alpha alpha Dimethylphenethyl acetate, alpha alpha Dimethylphenethyl butyrate, 2,6 Dimethoxyphenol, 3,4 Dimethyl 1,2 cyclopentadione, para alpha Dimethyl benzyl alcohol, 2,5 Dimethyldihydrofuranolone, 3,4 Dimethyl phenol, 1,1 Dimethyl 2-phenylethyl isobutyrate, 2,5 Dimethyl pyrazine, 2,6 Dimethyl pyrazine, 3,5 Dimethyl pyridine, para alpha Dimethyl styrene, Diphenyl ether, Dipotassium succinate, delta Dodecalactone, gamma Dodecalactone, beta Elemene, beta Elemol, Erythrosine, Estragole, Ethanol, Ethyl acetate, Ethyl acrylate, Ethyl benzoate, Ethyl butyrate, Ethyl cellulose, Ethyl cinnamate, Ethyl decanoate, 2 Ethyl 3,5 dimethyl pyrazine, 3 Ethyl 2,5 dimethyl pyrazine, Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, Ethyl formate, 4 Ethyl guaiacol, Ethyl heptanoate, Ethyl hexanoate, Ethyl hydroxy ethyl cellulose, 3 Ethyl 2 hydroxy 2 cyclopentene 1 one, Ethyl isovalerate, Ethyl lactate, Ethyl laurate, Ethyl maltol, Ethyl 2 methyl butyrate, 3 Ethyl 2 methylpyrazine, Ethyl myristate, Ethyl nonanoate, Ethyl octanoate, Ethyl palmitate, para Ethyl phenol, Ethyl phenyl acetate, Ethyl propionate, 3 Ethyl pyridine, Ethyl salicylate, Ethyl 10 undecenoate, Ethyl valerate, Ethyl vanillin, Eucalyptol, Eucalyptus oil and absolute, Eugenol, Eugenyl methyl ether, Farnesol, Fennel and sweet oil, Fenugreek extract, resin and absolute, Formic acid, d Fructose, 2 Furan methane thiolformate, Furfural alcohol, Furfuryl methyl sulphide, Gentian root extract, Geraniol, Geranium rose oil, Geranyl acetate, Geranyl acetone, Geranyl butyrate, Geranyl formate, Geranyl isobutyrate, Geranyl phenyl acetate, Geranyl propionate, Ginger oil, d Glucose, Glycerol, Glycerol 1,2 diacetate, Glyceryl triacetate, Glyoxal1 (tobacco sheet or paper no free residue), Guaiac gum extract, Guaiac wood oil, Guaiacol, Guaiol acetate, Guar gum, Gum tragacanth, 2,4 Heptadienal, gamma Heptalactone, Heptanoic acid, 2 Heptanone, 4 Heptenal, omega 6 Hexadecenlactone, gamma Hexalactone, 3,4 Hexanedione, Hexanoic acid, cis 3 Hexen 1 ol, Hexen 2 al, Hex 2 enyl acetate, 3 Hexenyl acetate, Hexyl acetate, Hexyl alcohol, Hexyl phenyl acetate, Honey, Humic acid, Hydrochloric acid1 (for tobacco sheet or paper no free residues), 4 Hydroxy benzoic acid and/or its ethyl, propyl esters and their sodium salts, 4 Hydroxybutanoic acid lactone, Hydroxycitronellal, Hydroxycitronellol, 2 Hydroxyisophorone, 4(p Hydroxyphenol) 2 butanone, Hydroxypropyl cellulose, Immortelle oil and absolute, , *Indigotine, Indole, alpha Ionone, beta Ionone, Iron oxides, alpha Irone, Isoamyl alcohol, Isobornyl acetate, Isobutyl acetate, Isobutyl alcohol, Isobutyl butyrate, Isobutyl cinnamate, Isobutyl phenethyl alcohol, Isobutylphenyl acetate, Isobutyraldehyde, Isoeugenol, Isoeugenyl methyl ether, Isopentane, Isophorone, 4 Keto dihydroisophorone, 4 Keto isophorone, Isopropyl alcohol, Isopropyl myristate, Isopulegol, Isovaleric acid, Jasmine absolute concrete and oil, Juniper berry oil, Labdanum absolute, oleoresin and oil, Lactic acid and/or its potassium and sodium salts, Lauric acid, Lavender absolute or oil, Lecithin, Lemon oil and extract, Lemongrass oil, Licorice root, fluid, extract and powder, Lime oil2 (terpeneless), d Limonene, Linaloe wood oil, Linalool, Linalool oxide, Linalyl acetate, Linalyl butyrate, Linalyl formate, Methyl 2 octynoate, Methyl 2 pyrrolyl ketone, 2 Methyl 4 phenyl butyraldehyde, Mimosa absolute, Mint oil, garden 2 Methoxy 4 methylphenol, 2 Methoxy 4 vinylphenol, 1 (para Methoxyphenyl) 2 propanone, Methyl acetate, 4 Methyl acetophenone, Methyl anisate, para Methyl anisole, Methyl benzoate, alpha Methyl benzyl acetate, alpha Methyl benzyl alcohol, 2 Methyl butyraldehyde, 3 Methyl butyraldehyde, 2 Methyl butyric acid, Methyl cellulose, Methyl cinnamate, Methyl cyclopentenolone, Methyl ethyl ketone, 5 Methyl furfural, 6 Methyl 3,5 heptadienone, 6 Methyl hept 5 en 2 one, 2 Methyl heptanoic acid, 2 Methyl hexanoic acid, Methyl hydroxy ethyl cellulose, Methyl hydroxy propyl cellulose, Methyl isovalerate, Methyl linoleate, Methyl linolenate, Methyl mercaptan, 2 Methyl 5 (methylthio)furan, Methyl beta naphthylketone, 3 Methyl pentanoic acid, Methyl phenyl acetate, 2 Methyl pyrazine, 5 Methyl quinoxaline, Methyl salicylate, Methyl sulphide, 2 Methyl undecanal, 3 Methyl-1 cyclopentadecanone, 3 Methyl 2(2 pentenyl) 2- cyclopenten 1 one, mint oil, wild mint oil2 (partly dementholised), Molasses extract and tincture, Mullein flowers, Musk ketone, Musk pod extract, acetate, Phenethyl alcohol, Phenethyl isobutyrate, Phenethyl isovalerate, Phenethyl phenylacetate, Phenethyl valerate, Phenyl acetaldehyde, Phenyl acetic acid, 4 Phenyl 3 buten 2 one, 3 Phenyl propionaldehyde, 3 Phenyl propionic acid, 3 Phenyl 1 propanol, ortho Phosphoric acid, Pine needle oil, dwarf, Pigment Red 18, Pigment Yellow 1, alpha Pinene, Piperonal, Pipsissewa leaf extract, Polyvinyl acetate homo-polymer, Polyvinyl acetate/vinyl alcohol copolymer, Polyvinyl alcohol, Ponceau 4R, Potassium carbonate, Potassium or sodium chloride, Potassium hydroxide paper1 (no free residue), Potassium hydroxide sheet1 (no free residue), Potassium phosphate, Propane, Propenyl guaethol, Propionic acid and/or its sodium salts, n Propyl acetate, n Propyl alcohol, Propyl butyrate, Propyl phenyl acetate, Propylene glycol, Pyroligneous acid extract, Pyruvic acid, Quebracho bark extract, Reaction products1Known and specified mixture of amino acids and reducing sugars heated under pressure, Rhodinol, Rhodinyl acetate, Rose water, Rose oil and absolute, Rosemary oil and absolute, Rum ether, Saccharin and/or its sodium salt, Saffron, Sage, sage oil and oleoresin, Salicylaldehyde, Sandalwood oil, yellow, Shellac, Silicic acid, Sodium alginate, Sodium bicarbonate, Sodium bisulphate, Sodium carbonate, Sodium hydroxide paper1 (no free residue), Sodium hydroxide sheet1 (no free residue), Sodium phosphate, Sorbic acid and/or its potassium or sodium salts, Sorbitol, Spearmint oil, Spike lavender oil, Spiranol, Spirits, distilled, Star anise oil, Starch, Starch, modified including cationic, Styrax gum and extract, and oil, Sucrose and sucrose syrup, Sunset Yellow FCF, Tamarind extract, Tannic acid, Tarragon oil, Tartaric acid and its potassium and sodium salts, , Tartrazine Yellow, Tea, absolute and resinoid, Terpineol2 (alpha , beta and gamma), Terpinyl acetate, 4,5,6,7 Tetrahydro 3,6 dimethyl benzofuran, Tetrahydro 4 methyl 2- (2 methylpropen 1 yl) pyran, 2,3,5,6 Tetramethyl pyrazine, Thiabendazole, Thyme oil, white and red, Thymol, Titanium dioxide, Tobacco extracts, Tolu balsam gum and extract, Tolualdehydes2 (ortho ,meta and para ), para Tolyl 3 methylbutyrate, Tolyl phenylacetate, Trichlorofluoromethane, Triethyl citrate, Triethylene glycol, 2,2,6 Trimethyl cyclohexanone, 2,3,5 Trimethyl pyrazine, Tuberose absolute and oil, Turpentine oil, gamma Undecalactone, Undecanal, Urea, Valeric acid, gamma Valerolactone, Vanilla beans or pods, or extract and oleoresin, Vanillin, Veratraldehyde, Vetiver oil, Violet oil and absolute, Violet leaf absolute, Wheat extract and absolute, Wine and wine sherry, Ylang Ylang oil and absolute. Myrcene, Myrrh oil, absolute and resinoid, beta Naphthyl ethyl ether, beta Naphthyl methyl ether, Nerol, Neroli oil, Nerolidol, 2,6 Nonadien 1-ol, gamma Nonalactone, Nonanal, Nonanoic acid, 2 Nonenal, Nutmeg and oil, Oak bark extract, Oak moss absolute, delta Octalactone, gamma Octalactone, Octanoic acid, 1 Octanol, 2 Octanone, 1 Octen 3 o1, 2 Octenal, Olibanum oil, resinoid and absolute, Opopanax oil and gum, Orange leaf absolute and blossoms water, Orange oil and extract2 (whether or not terpeneless), Orange peel oil and extract, bitter and sweet2 (whether or not terpeneless), Orris root, concrete, oil and extract, Palmarosa oil, Palmitic acid, Parsley seed oil, Patchouli oil and absolute, Patent Blue V, Peach kernel oil, Pectin, n-Pentane, Pent-3 en 4 olide, omega Pentadecalactone, 2,3 Pentanedione, Pepper oil, black and white, Peppermint oil, Petitgrain oil and absolute, Phenethyl.

Tobacco is one of the strongest legal drugs on the market today. It has been compared to crack cocaine and heroin in relation to addiction. And you don’t even need a prescription to obtain it. Considering the number of ingredients in a cigarette (even the partial list above), it's no wonder lung cancer caused by smoking is so deadly. I can't imagine that I used to put all of those chemicals in my body. Some of the ingredients don't sound bad, but heat them and they become deadly. Then inhale them. It's a slow suicide indeed.

Hopefully, this list has helped a few people trying to quit. I welcome comments. And, I wish all who are trying to quit much success in their endeavor. Life if wonderful and we all should be able to smell the roses!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Smoking Hurts Kids and Pets

Most people are not aware that each time they light up, if they own a dog or cat, or any other type of animal, the pet's tiny lungs are assaulted as well. Think of it: Rover smokes when you smoke and he can't stop you. Small children are also at the mercy of parental smoking. I had a friend years ago who couldn't figure out why her kids were always catching colds, always had runny noses, and always had chest congestion. Finally, one day, she realized it was HER smoking in their presence that was causing these maladies. So, if you smoke, and you choose not to quit, please smoke away from your kids and your pets. It's not their choice to smoke. Obstetricians urge their patients to quit. It is suggested that babies in utero smoke each time their mothers light up resulting in early labor and often, smaller birth weights. So, if you don't want your kids and pets to suffer, please quit. Just as important is the fact that you may die and leave your children without a mother or father. Lung cancer doesn't just strike older people. There are many cases of young people (in their 30's even) who have developed lung cancer. It all depends on when you started to smoke and how many packs per day you smoked during those years. A young heavy smoker is committing slow suicide.

Cigarettes have gone up in price dramatically since I started smoking years ago. I remember paying 25 cents per pack. Now, a pack can cost up to $6.00. The new taxes will be spent on smoking-related illnesses and on children who do not have health insurance. A lot of smokers claim lawmakers are "punishing" smokers, and this is just not true. The tax payer often has to pay for smoking-related illnesses. It's only fair to add an extra tax on to the price of cigarettes. Big Tobacco certainly isn't going to help pay your medical bills.

Look for my next blog soon.

Friday, May 1, 2009


On June 10, 1982, I quit smoking FOREVER! I have 3 friends who are currently giving up this health-killing habit. It's not easy. But, you know what, it's the best thing I could have ever done (and the hardest).

This is how I felt on the first day: HORRIBLE! All I could think of was smoking. Just one puff, just a sniff. I couldn't wait to go to bed that night so I could stop thinking about it. I was tired, cranky, mean, miserable, depressed, ticked off at the world, and yet, I stayed the course. My coughing increased a bit (my lungs were already cleaning up the damage). I was constantly chewing on hard candy. I held a small pencil between my 2 cigarette-holding fingers so that my brain would "think" I had a cigarette in my hand. I had a rubber band on my wrist which I snapped every time I had an uncontrollable urge to smoke. I wrote in a diary about my successes. My activities included ONLY things that would not allow smoking. In 1982, that part was difficult. Church, the library and local movie theaters were pretty much the only places where you couldn't smoke. These days, nonsmokers have lots of places to visit where smoking is NOT allowed. Yay for us! I never could understand smoking and no smoking sections in restaurants. Smoke goes where it wants to go. How can a no smoking section stay smoke-free when the smoking section is in the same room? Duh! A few restaurants had a "no smoking table" near the restrooms (I always thought the manager was a smoker when that happened). It was the manager's way to "get even" with nonsmokers when laws started tightening up. Wow, now nonsmokers are the majority. Yay for that!

I saved up all of my cigarette butts from the previous 2 weeks of smoking, put them in a jar, and filled the jar with water. When I had a strong urge to smoke, I opened the jar and took a whiff. Gross! But it worked. Who wants to smell like that? And yes, that's what a smoker smells like. You don't realize it until you're off cigarettes for a week or so. When food smells like food again and flowers are fragrant, you begin to realize just how nasty smoking is. Even my dog was healthier. Yes, dogs, cats and children breathe in second-hand smoke making them more susceptible to illness, allergies and difficulty breathing.

If you are able, exercise. Take long walks. Drink fluids. Lots of water. Try to stay away from caffeinated beverages for a short while since caffeine is similar to nicotine and may increase your cravings. Alcohol is also something to avoid for a while. Most of all, change how you live. Avoid situations where you used to smoke. I stopped sitting at the kitchen table in the morning. That's where I smoked the most. I changed my routine. I got up, ate in the dining room, and got busy.

It takes time to be a nonsmoker. It took me 2 years to mentally kick the habit. Yes, 2 years. It took 22 years to become a 2-3 pack per day smoker. However, after only 2 weeks, my body was free of the nicotine cravings. Now, 27 years later, I have absolutely no desire to smoke. I hate the smell. I just had a lung capacity test (pulmonary function test), and I passed with flying colors. My lungs are as healthy as a nonsmoker's lungs.

So, hang in there. It gets better and better. There are gums and medications that can help, but my recommendation is to try everything else first. One more thing, beware of "jealous" smokers who will sabotage your efforts. Avoid them until you are comfortable with your new status. Or invite them to join you in quitting. Make a no smoking rule at your house, inside and outside. I did, and I didn't lose any friends.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Secondhand Smoke

Secondhand smoke is the name of the bitter, sickening, poisonous smoke arising from the end of a burning cigarette, cigar or pipe. It is also the smoke that has been exhaled by a smoker and blown into the air. Smokers claim it is their "right" to smoke anywhere they choose. However, nonsmokers have the right to breathe smoke-free air.

The next time someone lights up in your presence, think about the following facts:

  • Secondhand smoke can produce 6 times the pollution of a busy highway.

  • Secondhand smoke causes 30 times as many lung cancer deaths as all other regulated pollutants combined.

  • Secondhand smoke makes clothes and hair stink. So much for perfume.

  • Secondhand smoke causes wheezing, coughing, colds, earaches, and asthma attacks.

  • Secondhand smoke fills the air with many of the same poisons found in the air around a toxic waste dump.

  • Secondhand smoke alters the smell and taste of food.

  • Secondhand smoke causes reddening, itching and watering of the eyes.

  • Secondhand smoke kills about 3,000 nonsmokers each year from lung cancer.

  • Secondhand smoke causes up to 300,000 lung infections (such as pneumonia and bronchitis) in infants and young children each year.
  • Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention

This concludes my anti-smoking blog. Hopefully, someone will read this and decide to quit. I do not advocate taking away the rights of smokers, but I do defend the rights of nonsmokers to breathe fresh air. Always remember, smoking will leave you breathless.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am sad to report that someone I know has died from lung cancer. This happened yesterday. He was 67. He was probably 1 of 100's who died this week from lung cancer caused by cigarette smoking.

The government has raised the taxes on a pack of cigarettes by 62 cents. The state of Florida will be adding to that amount I am told. Smokers are outraged. They think they are being forced to pay higher prices to help the economy. Actually, the taxes were raised in order to finance the expansion of health insurance for children. Ironically, this health insurance initiative was signed by President Barack Obama, himself rumored to be a smoker unable to kick the habit. However, he can afford his cigarettes. There were some nasty comments posted on the internet about the increase. One person said they will smoke no matter what. Another person said it's unfair that smokers have to be punished. My heart goes out to them. I used to smoke, so I can truly sympathize. But, I also know what it's like to be free from nicotine addiction. It's scary when you smoke and someone says the price is going up. There are people buying cigarettes in bulk before the big tax increase. Hello, Mr. Camilleri, are you listening. Your bonus is about to get bigger because I am sure your company will follow suit and up the costs even more, and there are people willing to pay the price. Shame on you.

May the families of those who have died of any smoking related illness be comforted in knowing that there are people out there fighting for justice. May you find peace. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Until next time, let's keep fighting and save lives!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


According to the Associated Press, Philip Morris International's chief executive was given a 68% raise in his 2008 compensation as he oversaw the spin-off of the world's biggest non-governmental cigarette maker into a stand-alone company. Hold on to your seats: CEO Louis Camilleri was given compensation valued at $36.9million according to an Associated Press analysis. Philip Morris International Inc. is a spin-off company from the Altria Group Inc. So as not to bore you with corporate lingo, let's get to the nitty gritty of Big Tobacco.

Both companies make and sell Marlboro cigarettes, the #1 brand in the U.S. and abroad. Fortunately, cigarette sales have dipped as consumers are beginning to realize the health risks of smoking and more smoking bans have been implemented. But, the greed doesn't stop! The tobacco industry has raised their prices even during the recession to recoup lost revenues (and probably to keep their bonuses nice and plump).

Louis Camilleri (he runs the global company from his New York office) was reported to have received most of his compensation as stock awards valued at $25.4 million on January 30, 2008. He also received a $9.5 million performance-based bonus on top of his $1.6 million salary. He also received about $485,000 in other compensation, a category that includes perks such as personal use of the company aircraft ($121,283), car expenses ($23,989), a home security system ($6,648) and contributions to a defined contribution plan $235,096). This is all from peddling a product that has been proven to cause serious health problems including death. How does he sleep at night? I wonder if he smokes?

Recently, I learned that the tobacco companies are adding flavors to their product. Yummy! Bubble gum flavor, grape and even chocolate. Can you guess who they might be targeting? Yep, our kids. Get 'em young and have a customer for life (or until they die from a horrible death).

Why do we continue to smoke? Well, it's really not a matter of choice most of the time. Smoking is an extremely difficult habit to break. We become "addicted" to smoking, chewing, and/or dipping. Addiction is described as "the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite the harmful consequences." There is usually a strong psychological component to the addiction as well, making it even harder to kick the habit.

Tobacco companies are required by law to report nicotine levels in cigarettes to the Federal Trade Commission, but they are not required to show the amount of nicotine on the cigarette brand labeling. So, the actual amount of nicotine available to the smoker in a given brand of cigarettes may be different from the level reported to the FTC. And it's been reported that the levels of nicotine have been increasing over the years making it even harder to quit. Smokers don't have a chance. We've all seen someone smoking through a stoma (hole) in their throat after a laryngectomy (removal of the voice box). I've witnessed people on oxygen shutting off the oxygen to step outside for a smoke, and then gasping for air, returning to their breathing machines. This should not be happening. As for the cigarette pushers, how can well-educated, bright people capable of making a living in just about any industry they chose decide to run a company that literally causes death and serious health issues? It's GREED, plain and simple.

Throughout my life, I have watched many relatives succumb to illnesses caused by smoking. My best friend lost both of her parents and her maternal grandparents to smoking. I personally am aware of two people currently dying of lung cancer; one in her 50's and the other in his 60's. These two people are losing approximately 50 years of their lives combined, lost because they began a habit in their youth. The tobacco industry is no better than the drug dealer on the street corner selling cocaine or heroin. Both prey on a strong addiction, both just see dollar signs. Unfortunately, one is legal.

I know, smokers will say "I have a right to smoke", and that is very true. I said the same thing back when I was smoking 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day. I would get angry at those who would try to ban my "right" to smoke. It took me 2 years to become a nonsmoker. I went through a smoking cessation program. I persevered because I wanted to see my children grow up. I wanted to see my grandchildren. I had a goal and a vision, and I was successful. I have lived to see 10 grandchildren (one is already in college). I am so thankful for that. Nothing in this world would make me light up ever again. However, I will do what I can to prevent young people from starting to smoke (including children as young as 9 and 10). There's always a kid who will approach another kid and say "hey, try this, you'll look cool and you'll be cool" and it's this I want to stop.

I had an uncle once. He was a heavy smoker. He would go so far as to blow smoke in the faces of people who didn't smoke just to be mean. Guess what? He finally smoked himself to death, but not before he suffered a major stroke and was paralyzed for about a year unable to do anything for himself. He even had to have someone help him smoke. Go figure!

Thank you Orlando Magic for being smoke free and encouraging everyone to be smoke free. Check out www. for more information on Florida's campaign against smoking.

My thanks to the Associated Press for information about smoking posted on the internet.

That's all for today. My next blog will cover healthcare and why Big Tobacco needs to step up to the plate and be responsible for smoking-related healthcare issues. What does it cost to care for a smoker once they become ill as a result of smoking? And what about second-hand smoke? Think it's not a serious issue? Stay tuned...............

Thursday, March 26, 2009

AIG and Big Tobacco

According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 5 deaths in the United States is related to smoking. In 1982, the Surgeon General reported that cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer mortality, and it is the most preventable cause of premature death in the United States. Each year, 440,000 people die from tobacco use. Tobacco use kills more people than car accidents, suicides, AIDS, homicides and illegal drugs combined. Does this get your attention? The use of tobacco contributes to lung, oral cavity, pharyngeal and esophageal cancers. It also contributes to bladder, pancreatic, liver, uterine cervical, kidney, stomach, colon, and rectal cancers, as well as some leukemias. There is probably not a person alive today who has not lost a loved one, a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker or an acquaintance to the use of tobacco. I know I have. Did you know there are over 4000 compounds in tobacco and tobacco smoke, and that 43 of those compounds are carcinogens? Carcinogens are chemicals/products and/or byproducts that cause cancer. Ouch! Why would anyone smoke? The answer is simple. People try it, usually hate it at first, but eventually become addicted. I know, I used to smoke. I began smoking as a teen-ager because my friends were smoking. I was one of Big Tobacco's targets.

I titled this blog "AIG and Big Tobacco." So, where does AIG come in? Actually, AIG has nothing to do with Big Tobacco. However, in comparison, the tobacco industry pays its top execs large salaries and bonuses just like AIG, but Big Tobacco sells a product that literally kills its own customers. Not everyone dies from smoking, but all who smoke endanger their health to some degree. The longer they smoke, the odds are they will develop a smoking-related illness. The majority of smokers who do not quit and make it to age 70+ are usually on oxygen and have emphysema or chronic debilitating bronchitis. Their quality of life is severely impaired.

My next blog will discuss the salaries of Big Tobacco executives, and I will share some personal stories from people who have sat by helplessly and watched their loved ones destroy their health. Until next time, encourage someone to quit. Encourage them to "butt out" and live to be 100.