Thursday, August 27, 2009

Do You Like Money?

It's been a while since I last wrote. It's been a long summer. Now, it's time to get back to work. Here is a link that will help you figure out how much smoking costs you. Back when I quit, I added up how much I had spent throughout my years of smoking. I could have paid cash for a house. Now, with the cost of cigarettes very high, I can't imagine what I would have burned up. So, I ask you to figure it out for yourself. Sometimes just seeing the cost of something that is absolutely not necessary to sustain life will encourage a person to finally kick the habit. This would be my hope.

In the meantime, check out Commit To Quit on Facebook. Make a commitment to quit. Put your name on the wall. Become a fan, and encourage others to give it a try. I know, there are always those who "say" they don't want to quit smoking. I've lost relatives who "claimed" they did not want to quit. They died as a result of their smoking. My mother is 92 and does not smoke. Her sister died at age 79. She was a heavy smoker. She had emphysema and other health issues related to smoking. My mother misses her sister very much, but her sister chose to continue smoking.

My next post will talk about the new fake cigarettes? Are they safe? Should you use them? Are they just another habit? Find out.

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