Friday, May 8, 2009

Smoking Hurts Kids and Pets

Most people are not aware that each time they light up, if they own a dog or cat, or any other type of animal, the pet's tiny lungs are assaulted as well. Think of it: Rover smokes when you smoke and he can't stop you. Small children are also at the mercy of parental smoking. I had a friend years ago who couldn't figure out why her kids were always catching colds, always had runny noses, and always had chest congestion. Finally, one day, she realized it was HER smoking in their presence that was causing these maladies. So, if you smoke, and you choose not to quit, please smoke away from your kids and your pets. It's not their choice to smoke. Obstetricians urge their patients to quit. It is suggested that babies in utero smoke each time their mothers light up resulting in early labor and often, smaller birth weights. So, if you don't want your kids and pets to suffer, please quit. Just as important is the fact that you may die and leave your children without a mother or father. Lung cancer doesn't just strike older people. There are many cases of young people (in their 30's even) who have developed lung cancer. It all depends on when you started to smoke and how many packs per day you smoked during those years. A young heavy smoker is committing slow suicide.

Cigarettes have gone up in price dramatically since I started smoking years ago. I remember paying 25 cents per pack. Now, a pack can cost up to $6.00. The new taxes will be spent on smoking-related illnesses and on children who do not have health insurance. A lot of smokers claim lawmakers are "punishing" smokers, and this is just not true. The tax payer often has to pay for smoking-related illnesses. It's only fair to add an extra tax on to the price of cigarettes. Big Tobacco certainly isn't going to help pay your medical bills.

Look for my next blog soon.

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